ING Exhibition (Hyogo Artists Exhibition)
‘ING Hyogo Artists Exhibition’ is opening, in step with the Olympics and the Paralympics in Tokyo in 2020. This exhibition is planned and organized by the artists living in Hyogo who form the core of the art world in Japan.
In the past a lot of exhibitions were held promoting the activities of art and culture and aided training artists. However, these kinds of exhibitions are dramatically decreasing in number, in economic situations where profit is the most important of factor.
The idea of ‘ING Hyogo Artists Exhibition’ is different from that of exhibitions where they basically think the result is important and the number of visitors to the exhibition is a result. Our purpose is to think highly of the initiative artists from planning to management, to present the activities and the works of artists who are active in their own local area, to have people feel familiar with the activities and to give people who enjoy arts the pleasure to see them and the desire to create their own art. We think art exhibitions play an important role not only in showing famous art and famous artists’ works, but also in giving an affinity for art work and inspiring others to draw and create pictures, that is, to foster the people’s potential.
In this exhibition we will get rid of ‘Kekkai’ (a Buddhist word, meaning to prevent people who are in an obstacle to ascetic practices) where our opportunities to exhibit our works and to express our sense of beauty are restricted by economic conditions and principles for running an exhibition. The works of the seven artists will come together as an opportunity of publishing our works freely. Our works are full of energy and express our feelings clearly.
We are sure that this will be an important chance where the activities and works of unique artists in Hyogo Prefecture will become more familiar to people, and we will send a message about our promising art activities in Hyogo Prefecture and Kobe City.
熱田 守 井澤 幸三 雲丹亀 利彦 角間 好 北山 義明 久米 伴香 椿野 浩二 友定聖雄 中田 幸夫 西田 眞人 初田 隆 花房 完昇 藤井 智美 藤原 護 前川 勉 松原 政祐 宮本 英雄 山口 敏行 渡邊 明
朝山 英治 五十嵐 佳容 井上 よう子 海野 厚敬 おまつ・T (尾松 卓也) 河合 美和 コウノ 真理 宋 貴美子 田中 達也 前田 恭子 水田 陽子 美浪 恵利 宮地 佳代 村松 元子 和田 健一
・第4回展 (三木市森の風美術館・三木市立堀光美術館同時開催)(終了しました)
・第3回展 INGひょうご美術展2022(終了しました)
あさご芸術の森美術館 1F企画展示室及び2F企画展示室
観覧料 一般500円 大・高校生300円 中・小学生200円
2020年1月29日(水)~2月2日(日) 午前10時~午後6時
原田の森ギャラリー(本館1階、2階) 入場無料
・第1回展 (終了しました)
2019年6月6日(木)~15日(土) 午前10時~午後6時 ‐月曜休館‐
兵庫県立美術館(ギャラリー) 入場無料